Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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1:33 | Drinks

Lagerita the ultimate beer cocktail: Jonny Garrett

To celebrate London Beer Week we asked Jonny from the Craft Beer Boys to show us how to make probably the best beer cocktail out there - the Lagerita. Putting a beery twist on the classic Margarita cocktail, it's a mix of tequila, lime juice, agave syrup and beer - in this case we used a super hoppy London beer - Camden Town Brewery's India Hells Lager or IHL.

Links from the video:

More Beers | http://goo.gl/EigzJ9


Jamie Oliver's Drinks Tube: http://goo.gl/Fv9E2I

Subscribe to Drinks Tube: http://goo.gl/FGu2D1

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Have fun and please drink responsibly.
