Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Jamie’s £1 Wonders & Money-Saving Meals

Delicious budget-friendly food is the name of the game for Jamie’s brand new show. It's packed with top money-saving tips and everyday recipes that deliver big on flavour, but go easy on your wallet. Watch on Mondays at 8pm on Channel 4.

Episode 6

Jamie whips up two air-fryer favourites – roast feta and tomato pasta, and a punchy Welsh rarebit – plus a thrifty chicken curry, stuffed pancakes and a rolled carrot cake that’s guaranteed to go down a treat.

Episode 5

Celebrating clever store-cupboard ingredients, Jamie cooks up two £1-wonders – black olive pasta, and peperonata coddled eggs – before making budget-friendly versions of a roast dinner, fakeaway kebabs and spiced stuffed apples.

Episode 4

Jamie transforms a batch-cooked ham hock into teardrop gnocchi, cooks up a flavour-packed mushroom soup with cheesy soda bread, recreates a fakeaway chicken burger, and bakes retro iced burns.

Episode 3

Using just a few humble ingredients, Jamie rustles up some delicious stuffed dumplings, as well as cheat’s fish & chips, and pork tacos. Plus, he bakes two wallet-friendly puds – blondies and pineapple tarte tatin.

Episode 2

In this episode, Jamie treats us to his leftover pasta frittata, butternut squash dal, chicken kebab and two delicious air-fryer dishes: piccalilli, pork & apple pies and mint choc chip whoopie pies.

Watch the recipe

Watch Jamie cook up his Piccalilli, pork & apple pies from episode 2!

Episode 1

Jamie cooks up a delicious dosa, epic crispy chicken, oozy barley risotto and budget-busting beef stew; then finishes on a sweet note with indulgent air-fryer chocolate orange shortbreads.

Watch the recipe

Watch Jamie cook up his JFC (Jamie's Fried Chicken) from the show.

More budget-friendly ideas

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A one-pan veggie lasagne ready to be dished out into bowls