Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Jamie Oliver's cooking pouches

Jamie's new food range

Store-cupboard flavour-makers

The store cupboard can be a treasure trove of quick-fix meal makers, if you know what to stock. Introducing Jamie’s brilliant range of pastes and grains that will inject instant flavour to your dinners for deliciously fast meals!

Explore the full food range

Grain pouches

The perfect pouches to have in your store cupboard, ready and waiting to finish off your meals. From perfectly cooked rice for that favourite fakeaway to flavour-packed mixed grains that make lunch exciting, these hit the spot.


Whether you’re looking to make your favourite fakeaway curry or you need to make a family dinner fast, Jamie’s flavour pastes are brilliant shortcuts to big flavour.

Cheesy Bolognese buns using the Bolognese paste