Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Smoky fajita paste

Big-flavour food made easy

Smoky fajita paste

Fajitas are always a winner of a dinner – smoky, spicy, utterly delicious! And when you use Jamie’s paste, you’ll have them on the table quick-sharp. All the hard work of prepping the soffritto, herbs and spices has been done for you, so all you need to do is add your protein, and that’s a delicious dinner, done! This is a brilliant shortcut to a great-tasting dish.

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  • …mixing some with 1 tin of black beans (drained) and a few chopped tomatoes, then layer up with tortilla chips and cheese before baking, for delicious nachos.
  • …upping your veg and fibre intake by replacing half the chicken in the Chicken fajitas method with 1 tin of black beans (drain and add to the pan in step 3).
  • …mixing ½ a jar of paste with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of tomato passata and a few coriander leaves for a fantastic dip to serve with corn tortilla chips or slices of red pepper.
  • …stirring 1 tablespoon into any dark stew, curry or soup to take the flavour to the next level.

Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 4 weeks. Best before end, see lid.

Recycle at home! Simply rinse out and recycle the lid and glass jar.

Cheesy Bolognese buns using the Bolognese paste

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