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A slice of toast on a green plate, topped with fajita-spiced yoghurt and 2 poached eggs
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Quick poached eggs with fajita-spiced yoghurt

Sourdough toast, green olives & preserved lemon

A slice of toast on a green plate, topped with fajita-spiced yoghurt and 2 poached eggs
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10 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 1

About the recipe

Treat yourself (or one lucky pal) to this quick and delicious little meal. Jamie’s Smoky Fajita Paste brings off-the-charts flavour to Greek yoghurt, served on crusty sourdough with perfectly poached eggs and a punchy olive topping. So good!

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Teal Jamie Oliver heart

Jamie's Food Team

By Ben Slater


1 heaped tablespoon Greek yoghurt

1 teaspoon Jamie Oliver Smoky Fajita Paste

cider vinegar

2 large free-range eggs

1 thick slice of sourdough bread

3 green olives, stone in

¼ of a preserved lemon

5g fresh dill

optional: olive oil, to serve


  1. Spoon the yoghurt into a small bowl, add the Smoky Fajita Paste and gently ripple it through.
  2. Put a small pan of water on a high heat, add a good splash of vinegar and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to low.
  3. Allow the bubbles to subside a little, then stir the water fairly vigorously to create a whirlpool. Crack in the eggs, one after the other, and poach for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the whites are set but the yolks still have a wobble, then remove with a slotted spoon.
  4. While the eggs are poaching, toast the bread. Squash and destone the olives and roughly mince on a board with the preserved lemon.
  5. Spread the fajita-spiced yoghurt over the toast, add the eggs and top with the olive mix. Finish with a few fronds of dill, a little sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil, if you like. Delicious served with some garlicky wilted spinach.


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