1. Artichoke
  2. Asparagus
  3. Aubergine
  4. Avocado
  5. Beansprouts
  6. Beetroot
  7. Broad beans
  8. Broccoli
  9. Brussels sprouts
  10. Butternut squash
  11. Cabbage
  12. Carrots
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Cavolo Nero
  15. Celeriac
  16. Celery
  17. Chard
  18. Chicory
  19. Chillies
  20. Climbing Beans
  21. Courgettes
  22. Cucumber
  23. Fennel
  24. Garlic
  25. Ginger
  26. Green beans
  27. Horseradish
  28. Jerusalem Artichoke
  29. Kale
  30. Kohlrabi
  31. Leeks
  32. Lettuce
  33. Mushrooms
  34. Okra
  35. Onions
  36. Pak Choi
  37. Parsnips
  38. Peas
  39. Peppers
  40. Plantain
  41. Potatoes
  42. Radicchio
  43. Radishes
  44. Rhubarb
  45. Rocket
  46. Spinach
  47. Spring Onions
  48. Sugar Snap Peas
  49. Swede
  50. Sweet potatoes
  51. Sweetcorn
  52. Tomatoes
  53. Turnips
  54. Wasabi
  55. Watercress
  56. Yam
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. F
  5. G
  6. H
  7. J
  8. K
  9. L
  10. M
  11. O
  12. P
  13. R
  14. S
  15. T
  16. W
  17. Y

How to cook Lettuce

Click apart as many leaves as you need for your dish, then make sure you wash and dry them thoroughly – salad spinners can be really useful for this. If using lettuce in a salad, add the dressing just before serving, to stop the leaves from getting too soggy and wilted. There are also some dishes that feature cooked lettuce – it has a lovely mild, delicate flavour when braised.

WATCH: Jamie Oliver’s principles for superb salads

READ: 10 twists on Jamie’s simple green salad



Lettuce is a leafy vegetable from the asteraceae plant family. It’s usually eaten as part of a salad. There are dozens of varieties of lettuce, which all differ in taste, appearance and texture. Crisp types of lettuce include iceberg, romaine and cos; and softer varieties include round lettuce and little gem. The ancient Romans used lettuce for medicinal purposes – they ate it at the end of dinner to help calm their stomachs and make them drowsy. Emperor Augustus is said to have been cured of a serious illness by eating lettuce!



Lettuce is available all year round, but you can get seasonal British lettuce varieties from May to December.



For maximum deliciousness, lettuce should be served as fresh as possible, so always buy lettuces that don’t show any signs of wilting. Keep in the fridge and use within a couple of days – crisp varieties can last a day longer if you click off any wilted outer leaves.

What are the health benefits?

Lettuce is a source of vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting, which means it helps wounds heal properly.