After School Dinners aired on Channel 4, Prime Minister Tony Blair committed £280 million to improve school dinners.

The Department for Children, Schools and Families then invested £240 million to help keep the cost of school dinners low.

Basic nutrition standards for school dinners were introduced for the first time.

Jamie is awarded the prestigious TED Prize for championing food education and action on child health!
The Food Revolution petition is launched with more than 804,000 people backing better school dinners.
Jamie’s Home Cooking Skills, BTEC is launched to teach young people basic cooking skills.

Jamie and a gang of school food campaigners launch the Feed Me Even Better Manifesto.

The Kitchen Garden Project launches to get primary school children growing and cooking their own food.
The first global Food Revolution Day launches as people celebrate the power of good, fresh, real food.

The School Food Plan is published to empower headteachers to prioritise school food.

Food education becomes a compulsory part of the UK school curriculum for 14s and under.

After Jamie’s Sugar Rush, he launches a voluntary “tax for good” on sugary drinks in his restaurants. His petition gets 150,000 signatures.

George Osborne says he will “put the next generation first” with a sugary drinks tax.
The UK Government launches its very first action plan on child health and reducing obesity rates.

Food Revolution Day shines a spotlight on the world’s nutrition. Through social media, 115 million people in 66 countries were reached.

After Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast, the #NotforChildren campaign leads to every major supermarket in the UK ending the sale of energy drinks to under 16s.

Jamie’s #AdEnough campaign makes advertising healthier on Transport for London.

Jamie co-founds charity Bite Back 2030, to give young food campaigners a louder voice.

After Bite Back 2030 activist Christina Adane’s free school meal petition gets over 500,000 signatures, free school meals are provided over May half-term and Easter holidays!
The third version of the child obesity strategy is launched, including making advertising healthier - online and on TV.
Over a million people sign our petition to #SaveOurStandards. The Government promises it will check trade deals closely.

Jamie works with Bite Back 2030 on their #SpillTheBeans campaign, with young people sharing their experiences of school food.

Jamie joins campaigners to call on the Government to #FeedTheFuture and extend free school meals to all children from Universal Credit households.

The Government task the Food Standards Agency with checking that schools are meeting nutrition standards in 16 local authorities.