How to chop an onion
September 8, 2020The onion, a key ingredient in so many dishes and available all year round, follow our simple step-by-step guide on how to finely chop an onion here.
You’ll need:
sharp knife
chopping board

How to finely dice an onion

Leaving the root intact, trim off the top of the onion and discard. Then place one half cut-side down on the board.

When you get to the end of the onion, push the chopped pieces away with the knife, drop the heel of the onion down and slice to safely chop the last piece. Repeat with the second half
How to thinly slice an onion
After Step 2:

Starting at the cut end, slice down into the onion, towards the root, using your knuckle as a guide.
How to cut an onion into onion rings

Place the onion on the board. Hold the onion firmly with one hand and, starting at the cut end, slice the onion, cutting thick slices, towards the root, using your knuckle as a guide.
Use the discarded root and top to flavour stocks.
For more top tips, watch the video below:
Need inspiration for using your perfectly prepared onion? Check out these tasty recipes: