Our favourite banana bread recipes
July 17, 2019 • In Baking, Family favourites, Dessert, Healthy, FruitBanana bread is one of the easiest things to bake. It’s great for slicing up in a lunchbox or with a cuppa for afternoon tea.
Although banana bread is a good way to use up overripe bananas, you don’t have to wait until they go brown to get your bake on. If you’ve got firmer bananas, simply pop them in a low oven (no need to peel) until the skins are brown all over. Leave to cool a little, then peel and mash away! Short of eggs? Need an easy recipe for the kids? Or you want a fancy loaf for the weekend? We’ve picked our favourite banana bread recipes for you to have a go at.
Download our #cookingbuddies banana bread recipe and colouring in sheet to get the kids involved and keep them entertained!
This is a super-tasty treat. You don’t need any fancy equipment for this recipe – just a bowl and a wooden spoon will do.
This beautiful figgy banana bread recipe uses nutrient-rich wholemeal flour, nuts, seeds, good oil and the natural sweetness of figs, rather than adding sugar. It makes a brilliant breakfast, especially with a little nut butter, natural yoghurt and fruit. What a way to start the day!
Rise to the challenge of this brilliant banana bread recipe. It’s yeasted, so it takes a little longer to make, but it’s well worth the extra effort. If you’re short on eggs, this banana bread is the one for you.
This super-special banana bread is served with chocolate-orange butter for a real bit of indulgence! It’s especially good grilled in thick slices and spread with the chocolate butter while still hot. Mmm...
A cracking little banana bread recipe that uses dairy-free spread instead of butter, with ground almonds as well as flour to make it really squidgy and moist.