Jamie Magazine
By Georgie Socratous
About the recipe
This traditional Easter treat is a great one to make with kids – they’ll love rolling out the marzipan, but leave any blow-torching to the grown-ups!
Recipe From
Jamie Magazine
By Georgie Socratous
175g butter
175g soft light brown sugar
1 lemon
1 orange
175g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
50g ground almonds
½ tsp each ground cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg
3 eggs
1 tbsp milk
150g raisins
100g currants or sultanas
100g glacé cherries, sour cherries or dried cranberries
100g mixed peel
3 tbsp apricot jam
icing sugar, for dusting
350g golden marzipan
cinnamon, for dusting (optional)