Strawberry bellini

Strawberry bellini

A classic with a twist

Strawberry bellini

Not Too Tricky

serves 8

Recipe From

Jamie Oliver: Together

Jamie Oliver: Together

By Jamie Oliver


200g strawberries

1 x 750ml bottle of Prosecco or sparkling white wine

Top Tip

If strawberries aren't in season, frozen strawberries would work a treat here – just remember to defrost before you need them or, alternatively, blitz while frozen the night before and leave the pulp to defrost in the fridge.


  1. Hull the strawberries and blitz in a blender until smooth, then pass through a sieve into a nice jug.
  2. Pour 1½cm of strawberry purée into each glass, then half-fill each one with fizz and gently stir together. Top up each glass with fizz to order, as and when your guests desire a drink.

Make the strawberry purée the day before and leave in the fridge until needed.


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