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Air-fryer peach Alaska
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Peach Alaska

With hazelnut spread & vanilla ice cream

Air-fryer peach Alaska
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26 mins plus freezing
Not Too Tricky

serves 4

About the recipe

I’m taking things up a notch with an air-fryer dessert that’s guaranteed to impress, and all made with a whole load of things you’ve probably got hanging around in your cupboards. Now, the classic would be made using a sponge base, which you can absolutely do if you prefer, but I’m making things super easy by using hot cross buns instead. Enjoy my cheat’s version, made with a whole load of shortcuts, but without compromising on flavour or texture. Yum!

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Easy Air Fryer

Easy Air Fryer

By Jamie Oliver

Jamie's Air-Fryer Meals

Jamie's Air-Fryer Meals

By Jamie Oliver


2 large scoops of good vanilla ice cream

1 handful of unsalted hazelnuts

2 large free-range eggs

100g caster sugar

1 hot cross bun

sherry or elderflower cordial, for drizzling

2 tbsp hazelnut chocolate spread

½ x 415g tin of sliced peaches in juice


  1. Ball up 2 nice round scoops of ice cream and place back in the freezer until frozen solid. Put the hazelnuts into the air-fryer drawer and cook for 4 minutes at 190°C, or until lightly golden, then remove.
  2. Separate the eggs, putting the whites into a bowl or the bowl of a free-standing mixer (save the yolks in the fridge for another meal). Add a little pinch of sea salt and whisk until the mixture forms stiff peaks, then, with the mixer still running, gradually add the sugar until glossy and combined.
  3. Halve the hot cross bun and place on two circles of greaseproof paper. Drizzle a little sherry over the cut sides, then top with the chocolate spread. Drain the peaches, pat dry well on kitchen paper, and arrange half on top of each.
  4. For the first Alaska, top one of the hot cross bun stacks with a scoop of ice cream, then spoon or pipe on half the meringue mixture, making a few pretty peaks and making sure the ice cream and bun are completely covered.
  5. Carefully transfer the Alaska to the drawer, on its paper, and cook for 5 minutes at 190°C, or until the meringue is golden all over.
  6. Remove and let it sit for 1 to 2 minutes, so the meringue can crisp up slightly. Bash or roughly chop the hazelnuts and sprinkle over, then slice and serve straight away, for sharing. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to make your second Alaska.

This recipe is for a 1-drawer air fryer.

Here’s my ingredient matrix – get creative and pick your favourite combinations, or design your own:

  • Sponge layer: hot cross buns; croissants; crumpets; panettone
  • Ice cream: vanilla; chocolate; strawberry; toffee – your favourite!
  • Tinned fruit: pears; peaches; pineapples; cherries
  • Nuts: hazelnuts; almonds; pistachios; pecans
  • Jam layer: marmalade; lemon curd; any fruity jam; chocolate spread
  • Bonus sponge soak: elderflower cordial; amaretto; sherry; Cointreau

All recipes from Easy Air Fryer were tested at least twice in a Tefal single (4.2 litres) or dual (8.3 litres) air fryer, as well as in a range of air fryers by my team of office testers at home. All air fryers are different, so results may vary – please follow the recipe instructions for guidance, and use your instincts to adjust times accordingly if your machine runs a little hotter or colder than average.


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Jamie Oliver holding a plate of his air-fryer Peach Alaska

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