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White fish with a couple of slices of lemon on it, some potatoes, wilted spinach and spinach sauce on 2 pink plates
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Lemon fish, spuds & spinach sauce

With wilted spinach & fresh dill

White fish with a couple of slices of lemon on it, some potatoes, wilted spinach and spinach sauce on 2 pink plates
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32 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 2

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Easy Air Fryer

Easy Air Fryer

By Jamie Oliver


400g potatoes

olive oil

20g Cheddar cheese

1 tsp creamed horseradish

2 tbsp soured cream

250g baby spinach

½ a bunch of dill (10g)

1 lemon

2 x 130g chunky white fish fillets, skin off, pin-boned, from sustainable sources

optional: extra virgin olive oil


  1. Scrub the potatoes, chop into 1cm cubes, place in the large air-fryer drawer and toss with 1½ tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Cook for 20 minutes at 200ºC, or until golden, shaking halfway.
  2. Place the cheese, horseradish, soured cream, half the spinach and most of the dill, stalks and all, in a blender with 50ml of water. Squeeze in a quarter of the lemon juice and blitz until smooth, then season to perfection. Remove the shelf from the small drawer, then pour in the sauce and replace the shelf.
  3. Season the fish fillets and place in the small drawer. Finely slice 4 rounds of lemon, place on top of the fish, spritz with oil, and cook for 12 to 15 minutes at 170ºC, or until the fish is just cooked through and the sauce is hot.
  4. Tip the potatoes out of the large drawer and pack in the remaining spinach. Cook for 2 minutes at 200ºC, or until just wilted, while you remove the fish from the small drawer so you can divide the sauce between plates. Arrange the fish, spuds and wilted spinach on top. Pick over the reserved dill and finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, if you like.

This is a 2-drawer air-fryer recipe.

All recipes from Easy Air Fryer were tested at least twice in a Tefal single (4.2 litres) or dual (8.3 litres) air fryer, as well as in a range of air fryers by my team of office testers at home. All air fryers are different, so results may vary – please follow the recipe instructions for guidance, and use your instincts to adjust times accordingly if your machine runs a little hotter or colder than average.


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