1. Artichoke
  2. Asparagus
  3. Aubergine
  4. Avocado
  5. Beansprouts
  6. Beetroot
  7. Broad beans
  8. Broccoli
  9. Brussels sprouts
  10. Butternut squash
  11. Cabbage
  12. Carrots
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Cavolo Nero
  15. Celeriac
  16. Celery
  17. Chard
  18. Chicory
  19. Chillies
  20. Climbing Beans
  21. Courgettes
  22. Cucumber
  23. Fennel
  24. Garlic
  25. Ginger
  26. Green beans
  27. Horseradish
  28. Jerusalem Artichoke
  29. Kale
  30. Kohlrabi
  31. Leeks
  32. Lettuce
  33. Mushrooms
  34. Okra
  35. Onions
  36. Pak Choi
  37. Parsnips
  38. Peas
  39. Peppers
  40. Plantain
  41. Potatoes
  42. Radicchio
  43. Radishes
  44. Rhubarb
  45. Rocket
  46. Spinach
  47. Spring Onions
  48. Sugar Snap Peas
  49. Swede
  50. Sweet potatoes
  51. Sweetcorn
  52. Tomatoes
  53. Turnips
  54. Wasabi
  55. Watercress
  56. Yam
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. F
  5. G
  6. H
  7. J
  8. K
  9. L
  10. M
  11. O
  12. P
  13. R
  14. S
  15. T
  16. W
  17. Y

How to cook Radicchio

Give your radicchio a good wash and spin dry, then simply click apart the leaves and add them straight to a salad bowl. Its bitter, peppery flavour works best when you balance it out with sweet leaves, or salty flavours like cheese or bacon. If you have a nice and robust radicchio, you can cut it into wedges and cook it on a griddle pan for an amazing smoky flavour.

WATCH: Jamie Oliver’s principles for superb salads

READ: Chicory, radicchio and endive – it’s okay to be bitter



Radicchio is related to chicory. It has beautiful dark red leaves and contrasting white stems, and it is shaped a bit like a small cabbage. It’s mostly used raw in Italian-style salads as it’s a fast-track to amazing texture, colour and beautiful peppery flavour. It can be a bit of an acquired taste, as it is quite bitter, but try balancing it out with milder leaves, or a sweet balsamic dressing.



You can find radicchio all year round.



Make sure you buy radicchio with beautifully crisp leaves – no wilting or brown edges. Store it in the fridge and it should last around a week.

What are the health benefits?

Radicchio is a good source of potassium, which helps keep our blood pressure healthy.