1. Artichoke
  2. Asparagus
  3. Aubergine
  4. Avocado
  5. Beansprouts
  6. Beetroot
  7. Broad beans
  8. Broccoli
  9. Brussels sprouts
  10. Butternut squash
  11. Cabbage
  12. Carrots
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Cavolo Nero
  15. Celeriac
  16. Celery
  17. Chard
  18. Chicory
  19. Chillies
  20. Climbing Beans
  21. Courgettes
  22. Cucumber
  23. Fennel
  24. Garlic
  25. Ginger
  26. Green beans
  27. Horseradish
  28. Jerusalem Artichoke
  29. Kale
  30. Kohlrabi
  31. Leeks
  32. Lettuce
  33. Mushrooms
  34. Okra
  35. Onions
  36. Pak Choi
  37. Parsnips
  38. Peas
  39. Peppers
  40. Plantain
  41. Potatoes
  42. Radicchio
  43. Radishes
  44. Rhubarb
  45. Rocket
  46. Spinach
  47. Spring Onions
  48. Sugar Snap Peas
  49. Swede
  50. Sweet potatoes
  51. Sweetcorn
  52. Tomatoes
  53. Turnips
  54. Wasabi
  55. Watercress
  56. Yam
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. F
  5. G
  6. H
  7. J
  8. K
  9. L
  10. M
  11. O
  12. P
  13. R
  14. S
  15. T
  16. W
  17. Y

How to cook Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes cook more quickly than regular potatoes. They are often roasted, baked, steamed or boiled. They can also be chipped and mashed. You can chunk up sweet potatoes and add them to stews, soups or risottos, or they work very well in spicy dishes such as curries. Try them in this epic Indian-style chip butty.

WATCH: Lemon chicken & smashed sweet potato



Sweet potato is a tropical root vegetable from a plant family called ipomoea, which includes a popular flower called Morning Glory. The leaves and stem of sweet potato are also edible. The sweet potato is not closely related to the common potato. In fact, it belongs to an entirely different plant family.

In the United States, a traditional dish for Thanksgiving celebrations in November is sweet potatoes baked with a marshmallow topping.

An American inventor called George Washington Carver, who was born into slavery, discovered dozens of clever uses for the sweet potato, including making a glue with it to stick stamps onto letters.

Sweet potatoes can be white, red, yellow, purple or brown; but the orange-fleshed variety is the sweetest.



Sweet potatoes are at their best from October to March, but are available all year round. Look for firm sweet potatoes with unblemished skin.



Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool dark place. They don’t need to be refrigerated. If the sweet potatoes start going a bit soft, then they need to be used ASAP!

READ: Why sweet potatoes are healthy

What are the health benefits?

Sweet potatoes are jam-packed with goodness! Unlike regular potatoes, a medium-sized sweet potato counts as one of your 5-a-day (one portion of veg or fruit is 80g raw weight), so using them to replace white potatoes in soups, curries and potato dishes is an easy way to up your 5-a-day count. Sweet potato is also a great source of vitamin A, which helps to keep our skin healthy and sight working properly. One 250g baked sweet potato contains more than 70% of our recommended daily vitamin C intake.