How to make hash browns


How to make hash browns

December 12, 2022 • In Breakfast & brunch,

Brunch lovers, this one’s for you! Learn how to make your own crispy, crunchy hash browns and you’ll never look back.

This homemade hash brown recipe is really simple; it’s a ratio recipe, so you can easily make more or less, depending on how many people you’re cooking for. It’s just a potato, an onion, a tablespoon of plain flour and an egg. So simple!

To make hash browns, you will need:

2 large potatoes

2 onions

2 tablespoons plain flour

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 large free-range eggs

olive oil



chopping board

box grater

sharp knife

large mixing bowl

clean tea towel

wooden spoon

large non-stick frying pan


kitchen paper

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What to eat with hash browns?

A full English! But you can mix them up with other combos if you like. Pair these recipes with hash browns and you're in for a treat:

Roasted cherry tomatoes, crispy smoked bacon and a poached egg

Baked beans and a fried egg

Avocado, fried mushrooms and sautéed spinach

Perfect poached eggs


There's a lot more where that came from! For more morning recipe inspiration, get a load of our favourite breakfast and brunch recipes