Place the minced beef in a large shallow casserole pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then break it up and fry on a high heat, stirring regularly.
Click off and discard any tatty outer leaves from the cauliflower, putting the nice leaves into a food processor.
Halve the cauliflower, breaking up one half into the processor. Cut little bite-sized florets off the other half into the mince pan, chucking all the stalks into the processor as you go.
Stir the rendang powder into the pan and cook it all for 10 minutes, or until crispy, stirring regularly.
Meanwhile, pick half the mint leaves into the processor, add a pinch of sea salt and black pepper, and blitz until fine.
Tip into a heatproof bowl, cover, and microwave on high for 4 to 5 minutes.
Reserving the baby leaves, pick the remaining mint leaves into the pan, toss well, then pour in the coconut milk and half a tin’s worth of water.
Bring to the boil, simmer for 5 minutes, then taste, season to perfection, and scatter over the reserved mint leaves.
Give the cauli rice a good mix up, and serve on the side.