Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Rocky road
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Rocky road

A make-it-your-own chocolaty treat

Rocky road
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20 mins
Not Too Tricky

makes 20

About the recipe

Every now and then we deserve a bit of a treat, and this one is guaranteed to draw a crowd. You basically want equal quantities of melted chocolate and stuff to mix it with. Have fun with it!

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake


500g quality dark chocolate (70%)

500g fun fillings, such as meringue, unsalted popcorn, digestive biscuits, mixed nuts & seeds, dried fruit

optional: 1 tablespoon sesame seeds

50g quality white chocolate


  1. Snap the dark chocolate into a large heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water, making sure the water doesn’t touch the base of the bowl, and leave to melt, stirring occasionally.
  2. Once glossy and smooth, carefully remove from the heat.
  3. Now for the fun bit – adding your fillings. Crumble in biscuits and meringues, tear up any large dried fruit, and feel free to chop up nuts or add them whole. Get everything in there, and give it a good mix up.
  4. Grease and line a baking tray (30cm x 25cm) with greaseproof paper, then pour in the mixture, spreading it out and patting it down fairly evenly.
  5. Sprinkle over the sesame seeds, if using, then place the tray in the fridge to cool, harden and set for a few hours.
  6. Melt the white chocolate and randomly drizzle over the top, then slice and serve. Great as a gift, too.


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