Drinks tube

50ml Grey Goose L'Orange vodka
25ml Cointreau
25ml cranberry juice
1 lime
cubed ice
To garnish: orange peel
Made famous by Sex and the City, the Cosmo is a fun, fruity cocktail. Our easy recipe is brought to life by the flamed garnish. Give it a go!
- 1. Fill a cocktail glass with ice to chill
- 2. Pour the Grey Goose L'Orange vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice and the juice of half a lime into a cocktail shaker
- 3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds
- 4. Empty your glass of the ice and strain in the cocktail
- 5. Cut a piece of orange peel about the size of your thumb. Be careful not to bend it at this stage
- 6. Hold the piece of orange peel between finger and thumb over the glass, and use a match to gently warm it for about 20 seconds
- 7. Then bend the peel so it releases oil onto the lighted match, igniting a flame which will settle on the surface of the drink & drop peel into glass