10 mins
Super easy
serves 4
About the recipe
You can use good Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine) rather than Champagne for this recipe, and quite honestly, you’d never know the difference. Also, you get great results from puréed peaches or even strawberries instead of pomegranates, but I always think it’s best to stick to what’s in season.
3 or 4 pomegranates
optional: caster sugar
1 bottle of chilled Champagne
- First of all, cut your pomegranates in half and take their seeds out. The easy way to do this is to hold one half of a pomegranate cut-side down in your hand and bash the top of it with a spatula so the seeds come tumbling out – make sure you’ve got a bowl underneath to catch them all!
- Whiz the seeds for 5 to 10 seconds in a food processor, pour through a sieve and you’ll have some lovely pomegranate juice. If the pomegranates are particularly sharp, feel free to stir in a little sugar to sweeten, although I usually don’t.
- All you need to do is put about 5cm of pomegranate juice into a Champagne flute, then top it up with your Champagne.