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A platter of Greek-style chicken pasta
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Greek chicken pasta

Sweet tomato sauce, macaroni & grated halloumi

A platter of Greek-style chicken pasta
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1 hr 30 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 8

About the recipe

On the Greek island of Andros they serve variations of this undeniably delicious pasta – it’s the easiest thing to put together and the Oliver squad loves it (the teenagers thought the halloumi was peng!).

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake


1kg free-range chicken thighs, skin on, bone in

500g frozen chopped mixed onion, carrot and celery

2 x 400g tins of plum tomatoes

600g dried macaroni

100g halloumi cheese


  1. Brown the chicken thighs all over in a large non-stick casserole pan on a high heat with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then remove to a plate.
  2. Tip in the frozen mixed veg and soften for 5 minutes, then put the chicken back into the pan with 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and allow it to cook away.
  3. Scrunch in the tomatoes through clean hands, then pour in 1 tin’s worth of water. Bring to the boil, then leave to blip away on a low heat for 1 hour, or until the chicken is falling off the bone, stirring occasionally.
  4. When the time’s up, cook the pasta in a pan of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions, then drain.
  5. Meanwhile, strip all the chicken meat from the bones and shred apart with forks, returning it to the sauce as you go and discarding any skin and bones. Taste the sauce and season to perfection.
  6. To serve, stir the pasta into the sauce and grate in most of the halloumi. Finish drizzled with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and with the remaining halloumi grated over the top.


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