
A wrapped up soft tortilla with colourful veg and coriander

If the thought of your fuel bill is making meal-planning that little bit more difficult, you’re not alone. Many of us are thinking twice about switching on the oven, opting for quicker and more energy-efficient ways to cook. But this isn’t always easy in winter when we’re craving hearty, slow-cooked comfort food!  We’re here to […]

no-cook recipes

From beautiful salads and speedy sweet treats to vegan rolls and vibrant smoothies, we’ve put together a list of our favourite flavour-packed, no-cook recipes that don’t require a hob or an oven. These recipes can all be made with raw ingredients (some require you to boil the kettle, but that’s it) – just assemble the […]

homemade kimchi in a bowl; great for gut health

But what is gut health? It refers to the functioning of our entire gastrointestinal tract. Microbiota, or gut flora, is the name given to the trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses (all totally normal), that naturally live in our gut – and everyone’s gut microbiota is unique to them, similar to DNA. Lots […]